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Autumn beer kits – top picks 2023

By: Dark Rock Brewing Team

Home brew beer and wine-making experts
Autumn beers top picks

We haven’t had much of a summer (surprise, surprise) but there’s no time to worry about that. As the nights start a little earlier and the last of the growing season comes to an end it’s time to turn your thoughts to brewing beers for Autumn.

If you’re thinking “Yeah, right! It’s only August” – don’t forget these kits will take time to mature, so now is the perfect time to think about what you can drink that will compliment all those pumpkin-spiced goodies that will be in the shops soon enough.

All of the kits we’ve picked are Extract or Part Grain kits – so you only need the essential brewing equipment to make them. Our extract beer kits are great for beginner brewers, but if you’re looking to take your brew to the next level – then our Part grain (or partial mash) kits are worth checking out.

Classic Autumn Amber Beer kits

When the leaves turn amber, it’s like mother nature’s cue to drink some warming malty, hoppy goodness.

Warming Autumn Stout kits

We know that stouts are often seen as winter beers, but we’d beg to differ. These rich stouts are perfect for the start of the colder season (in fact, we’d say they’re pretty great all year round with their roasty richness).

Autumn Red Ale kits

Famed for its delightful colour, red ale has to be a top pick for an Autumn ale. These picks have been chosen for the satisfaction they deliver on drinking.


To our American readers – Bonfire Night (November 5th) is when we Brits light fires and set off fireworks to commemorate the night that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament.

It’s a lot like July 4th, except it’s colder… and there’s a lot of debate about whether we’re celebrating him getting caught or the fact that he tried. Either way, this kit is the perfect partner for smokey fires, hot sausages and toffee apples.

Let us know what your picks are.

These are, of course, just our choices – but we’d love to know what you think.

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