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Apple cider recipe

Apple Cider (Sparkling or Still)

Brew time:

5-7 days

Maturation :

4 weeks minimum


1 Gallon (3.7 litres)


Apple Cider, Cider recipes

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  • 20lbs Apples (or 1 gallon of juice)
  • 10 drops Pectinaze
  • 1 tsp Yeast Nutrient
  • 1 pkt Harris Premium Cider Yeast


Cut apples into smaller pieces, which will help in juice extraction. Unlike wine, you need to extract the juice from the pulp when making cider. As a rough guide 20 lbs of apples will provide 1 gallon (4.5litres) of juice. A blend of different types of apples will give the best results and if possible throw in a few crab apples. If you have access to an apple press, add the apple segments into the press bag and press out the juice into a 1-gallon Demijohn. If you do not have a press or a fruit blender available then crush the apples in a bucket using either a potato masher or a hefty wooden post. Then squeeze the juice through a muslin or nylon bag. Cider can be consumed still or sparking and clear or scrumpy style. Work out in advance which style you prefer to make. If you are seeking a scrumpy style then you can put the crushed pulp and juice together into a 1-gallon fermenting bucket and cover with a cloth or a loose-fitting lid. Then add a crushed Campden tablet to kill off any wild yeast. After 24 hours stir the apples and add the yeast. Ferment in the bucket under the cloth for 2-3 days then strain through a muslin or nylon bag into a 1-gallon Demijohn. If you are using pressed juice then simply put the juice directly into the demijohn and fit an airlock and bung. Add a crushed Campden tablet (to kill off bacteria and wild yeast) and leave for 24 hours. Then stir well and add the yeast and Pectinaze. Then for either method, continue to ferment in a warm place (24C/75F) until bubbles stop emerging from the airlock. A hydrometer reading of below 1.008 will indicate the cider has finished fermenting.

Finishing the Cider

Sparkling Clear Cider

On the last day in the bucket add a measure of Cider Brite finings to help the clearing process. When ready to bottle, carefully siphon the cider into 500ml pressurised beer bottles. Add 1-2 Brew Fizz Carbonation drops into each bottle and secure the cap. Then store the bottles in a warm room (24C/75F) for five days to pressurise. Then store the bottles in a cool place to clear and mature for 2-3 weeks (the longer you leave the cider to mature the better it will taste). Serve chilled from the fridge and pour carefully to avoid disturbing the layer of sediment on the bottom of the bottle.

Still Cider

If you are NOT going to sparkle your cider, you should add 1/2 tsp of Potassium Sorbate and 1 Campden table into the demijohn at the end of the fermentation to stabilize the yeast.  Leave for 48 hours. After, this time you can sweeten your cider by adding Wine Sweetener or Glycerine (which smoothens the cider) if desired. If you prefer your cider clear then add a measure of Cider Brite towards the end of fermentation. If you are making a cloudy scrumpy-style cider then do not add finings.

Then bottle the cider and secure the bottles. Leave the cider in a cool place to mature for a minimum of 3 weeks before drinking. Chill the cider in the fridge before serving if possible.


Allow to stand for a minimum of 3-4 weeks before sampling.  Age in a cool, dark place.


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