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Wine from Fruit Juice

Wine from Fruit Juice

Maturation :

6 months


6 Bottles (1 gallon/4.5litres)


Fruit wine, Wine recipes

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  • 1kg Dextrose Brewing Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Wine Tannin
  • 1 teaspoon Yeast Nutrient
  • 10 drops Pectinaze
  • 1 teaspoon Acid Blend
  • 1 packet Harris Wine Yeast
  • 2.5litres cooled boiled water


It is quite easy to make wine from fruit juice cartons from a shop. The golden rule is to make sure they do not contain any preservatives that could inhibit fermentation. Organic healthy packs provide the best results.

The recipes below can make either a simple Red, Rose, or White wine depending on the juice type and grape concentrate selected.

Simple White Wine

  • 2 litres of concentrated Apple Juice (without preservatives)
  • 250ml White Grape Concentrate

Simple Red Wine

  • 2 litres of concentrated Blackberry or Blackcurrant Juice (without preservatives)
  • 250ml Red Grape Concentrate

Simple Rose Wine

  • 2 litres of concentrated Apple Juice (without preservatives)
  • 250ml Red Grape Concentrate


Add the juice into a 1-gallon demijohn then add the rest of the ingredients and top up to 1 gallon(4.5litres) with cooled boiled water. Fit a bung and airlock and leave in a warm place to continue to ferment out completely.

Fermentation should be complete in 2-4 weeks. It should then be checked with a hydrometer. The hydrometer will indicate the remaining sugar level. You should aim to ferment the wine to a final gravity of 0.996 which will indicate that the fermentation is complete. A further indication that the fermentation is complete will be no bubbles emerging from the airlock.

After clearing your wine you may like to add Glycerine or Wine Sweetener to adjust the sweetness to your preferred taste. These are non-fermentable so will not cause any post-fermentation, which could happen if sweetened with sugar. Finishing gravity levels to aim for are:

  • DRY = 0.990 – 0.996
  • MEDIUM = 0.996 – 1.009
  • SWEET = 1.009 – 1.018 

Finishing the Wine

 At the end of fermentation add 1 crushed Campden tablet and half a teaspoon of potassium sorbate per gallon. Leave in a warm place for 3 days to kill off the yeast. Then the wine should be left to clear in a cool place (15C) before siphoning from the sediment.

Some wines may not clear on their own and the addition of finings is recommended. Harris Winefine finings are very effective. When clear you should pass the wine through a Vinbrite filter to obtain a professional finish before bottling.

Bottling your wine

The wine should now be bottled and stored in a cool dark place to mature for at least 6 months. During this time tastes will be smoothed out and the wine will improve in bouquet and flavour.

These simple wines are easy and fun to make. You can play around with flavours and create your own value wines. You might even try blending the final wines to experiment further


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12 September 2024

Great info!


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