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Hop Head IPA all grain recipe

Admiralty Ale (Part grain recipe)

Brew time:

3-4 hours

Maturation :

6 weeks


5 gallons (22.5 litres)


Beer recipes, British Ale, Part grain recipes

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  • 3kg Dark Rock (unhopped) Light Malt Extract
  • 100g Medium Crystal Malt
  • 125g Dextrin Malt
  • 40g Amarillo Hops (bittering)
  • 40g Citra Hops (bittering)
  • 20g Motueka Hops (bittering)
  • 15g USA Chinook Hops (flavour)
  • 1 packet of Safale 04 Yeast
  • Britewort Tablet (half)
  • 1 dose of Pure Brew
  • Brew Fizz Carbonation Drops for bottling.
  • Starbrite Beer Finings
  • 1 Muslin bag


ABV: 4.6%

Original Gravity: 1045

Target Final Gravity: 1012


Thoroughly clean and sanitise all equipment before use.

Heat 10 litres of water to 66˚C using a large 15 litre boiling pan.

Add the Crystal Malt and Dextrin malt grains into the muslin bag and tie in a loose knot. Make sure you leave enough room for the grain to move around inside the bag.

Place the grain bag into the liquid in the pan and maintain the temperature at 66˚C for 30 minutes.


After 30 minutes, carefully lift the grain bag out of the liquid. It may be easier to place it in a sieve/colander placed on top of the pan. Pour 2 litres of hot water (76-78˚C) through the grain bag and allow to drain into the pan for one minute to release the flavour. DO NOT squeeze the bag.

Once the grain bag has fully drained (stops dripping), discard the malt grains, rinse and keep the muslin bag for subsequently adding the hops.


Bring the remaining liquid (known as wort) to the boil.

Add the bittering hops (40g Amarillo, 40g Citra, 20g Motueka) into the muslin bag. Loosely knot the bag and hang over the side of the boiling pan into the liquid (or float

in the wort if this is not possible). Once the wort reaches boiling point, turn down the heat slightly to achieve a controlled boil.

Continue to boil for 45 minutes, then add the flavouring hops (15g Chinook) and Britewort to the contents of the muslin bag. Maintain the controlled boil for a further 15 minutes. And then turn off the heat.

At this point stand the malt extract in hot water in a separate pan for 5 minutes to sof-ten the contents. Discard the muslin bag and its contents, then carefully open and pour the pouch of malt extract into the pan of wort. Carefully rinse the pouch with a little boiling water to retrieve any remaining malt extract. Stir the wort well to dissolve.


Allow the wort to cool to approximately 50˚C, then carefully pour it into a sanitised fermenter.

Top the fermenter up to 22.5 litres (5 gallons / 40 pints) using cold water. Stir using a sanitised paddle.

Take a hydrometer reading and make a note of the original gravity.

Once the temperature of the liquid falls to between 18˚C-25˚C, add the sachet of Pure Brew and the yeast, then stir thoroughly for 1 minute to mix and aerate the wort.

Fit an airlock filled with water into the lid and secure the lid onto your fermenter.

Leave the wort to ferment at the temperature stated on the yeast sachet. Fermentation is usually completed between 7 – 14 days. Use a hydrometer to check the gravity once the airlock stops bubbling. Fermentation is complete once the gravity reading stabilises below 1.012.

Once fermentation is complete add Starbrite Beer Finings and leave in a cooler place for a further 2 days. You can then proceed to the bottling/kegging stage.


If using a plastic barrel, syphon your beer into the barrel, prime by adding 100 grams of sugar and secure the cap. If bottling, add 1 carbonation drop to each 500ml bottle to prime. Then secure with a cap.

Store the barrel or bottles in a warm place (20-25˚C) for 7 days to allow a secondary fermentation to take place. This will carbonate your beer. Then store somewhere cool to condition and clear, ideally for at least 2 weeks.

If using a Corny Keg, the beer needs to be chilled first and then transferred to the keg before being force carbonated with CO2 gas instead of adding priming sugar. The keg is then stored directly in a cool place to mature.

Do not rush the conditioning period. Your Admiralty Ale will improve over the next few weeks and will reward you with a delicious taste.


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