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Cherry Wine

Cherry Wine


Fruit wine, Wine recipes

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    Remove all stones then crush the Cherries into a pre-sanitised fermenting bucket. Tip: An Olive/Cherry Pitter is a useful tool for easily removing stones.

    Pour the cold water over the contents together with the rest of the ingredients and the wheat or barley (rinse the grains first under a tap in a sieve and add whole. Do not crush the grains as this can introduce unwanted starch). Stir thoroughly. Cover the bucket with a cloth and leave to ferment in a warm place for 5 days.  Stir the contents of the bucket daily. Then strain into a 1-gallon demijohn through a muslin or nylon straining bag. Press the bag to retrieve as much juice as possible and then discard the pulp and grains. It may be necessary to top up with cooled boiled water to 4½litres.

    Fit a bung and airlock and leave in a warm place to continue to ferment out completely. The end of fermentation will be indicated by bubbles stopping emerging from the airlock. At this point check the specific gravity with a hydrometer. A reading of 0.996 means that all of the sugar has been converted to alcohol and fermentation is complete. Fermentation should take between 2-4 weeks.

    Finishing the Wine

    At the end of fermentation add 1 crushed Campden tablet and half a teaspoon of potassium sorbate per gallon. Leave in a warm place for 3 days to kill off the yeast. Then the wine should be left to clear in a cool place (15C) before siphoning from the sediment.

    Cherry wine can contain high levels of pectin and may not clear on its own. We recommend adding Harris Winefine to accelerate clearing and then pass the wine through a Vinbrite filter to obtain a professional finish before bottling. If the wine is still stubborn and will not clear then add another 10 drops of Pectinaze and keep the wine warm for a few days before repeating the clearing process.

    Tip: The existence of pectin in the final wine can be checked by adding 3 teaspoons of wine to a small glass and adding 5 teaspoons of methylated spirits. Leave the glass for 30 minutes. Excess pectin will show up as a small white stringy residue at the bottom of the glass or a cotton wool/cloudy appearance. Discard the sample after testing.

    After clearing the wine can be sweetened if desired. Although you can use a sugar solution to sweeten to taste, this increases the risk of post-fermentation. it is advisable to use Wine Sweetener or Glycerine (which smoothens the wine) as they are non-fermentable. Add Wine Sweetener/Glycerine in small amounts and keep tasting to avoid over-sweetening the wine.

    Bottling Your Wine

    The clear wine should now be bottled and stored in a cool dark place to mature for at least 6 months. During this time any rough tastes will be smoothed out and the wine will improve in bouquet and flavour. Cherry wine is a rich red warming wine that is a traditional favourite amongst British winemakers. To create a Cherry Brandy style add 50ml of Brandy to each bottle before siphoning the wine in. This will fortify the wine and give it a warming kick.


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