LalBrew Windsor British Style Ale Yeast


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A consistent and robust strain that produces moderate levels of alcohol and the balanced flavour and aroma characteristics of traditional English ales.

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LalBrew Windsorâ„¢ – British Style Ale Yeast

Lalbrew Windsor YeastLalBrew Windsorâ„¢ is a true English ale strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma with lower attenuation due to an inability to metabolize maltotriose. LalBrew Windsorâ„¢ is one of the original Heritage Strains selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection when Lallemand Brewing was founded in 1992. Beers created with LalBrew Windsorâ„¢ are usually described as full-bodied, fruity English ales. LalBrew Windsorâ„¢ is a consistent and robust strain that produces moderate levels of alcohol and the balanced flavour and aroma characteristics of the best traditional English ales. Traditional styles brewed with this yeast include but are not limited to Milds, Bitters, Irish Reds, English Brown ales, Porters and Sweet Stouts.

Brewing Properties

In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C (68°F) LalBrew Windsor™ yeast exhibits:

  • Vigorous fermentation that can be completed in 3 days
  • Medium attenuation and Low flocculation
  • Fruity and Estery flavour and aroma, typical of traditional English style ales

The optimal temperature range for LalBrew Windsor™ yeast when producing traditional styles is 15 – 25°C (59 – 77°F) Windsor does not utilize the sugar maltotriose (a molecule composed of 3 glucose units). Maltotriose is present in wort in an average 10-15% of all malt worts. The result will be fuller body and residual sweetness in beer. Be advised to adjust mash temperatures according to desired result. Fermentation rate, fermentation time and degree of attenuation are dependent on inoculation density, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.

Quick facts

Strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Beer styles Altbier, American Wheat, Baltic Porter, Blonde Ale, Brown Porter, Cream Ale, English Brown Ale, English IPA, Extra Special Bitter, Irish Red Ale, Mild, New England IPA, New England Pale Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Old Ale, Ordinary Bitter, Robust Porter, Scottish Ale, Special/Best Bitter, Sweet Stout
Attenuation 65-72
Temperature range 15 – 25°C (59 – 77°F)
Flocculation Low
Aroma Fruity, estery
Alcohol tolerance 12% ABV
Pitching rate 50 – 100g/hL

Additional information

Weight 0.011 kg

Lalbrew Windsor Yeast
LalBrew Windsor British Style Ale Yeast